What is a Stack Data Structure | JavaScript

Stack is a last in, first out (LIFO) data structure in computer science. Stack is a linear collection of ordered data (nodes).


  • push - add data to the top of the stack (first/head node)
  • pop - remove and return data (first/head node) from the top of the stack
  • peek - return data from the top of the stack (first/head node)
  • underflow - happens when we are trying to remove (pop) data from an empty stack
  • overflow - happens when we are trying to add (push) data to the full stack

Data Types & Structures

Stacks are generally implemented using Linked Lists or Arrays.

Stack implementation using a Linked List

class Stack {
  constructor(maxSize = Infinity) {
    this.stack = new LinkedList();
    this.size = 0;
    this.maxSize = maxSize;

  hasRoom() {}
  isEmpty() {}

  push(value) {}

  pop() {}

  peek() {}